It sounded like such a great idea last night.
Slapping together food, drinks and party games doesn’t get
more last-minute than this — but that doesn’t mean you can’t pull off a
great time for you and your friends.

Knowing how many people — and what sorts of friends — are planning to
attend can determine the type of food, music, games and festivities you
put together.
Decorations for a last-minute party are simple.
Your Christmas lights, and a warm fire may be all you need.You also want
to plan about three or four hours of music without
repeating songs. Don't forget this is a big day for football so even
if its on silent, you know who's coming and if they are big sports fans some will appreciate your attention to this detail. This can be especially entertaining if your guests are routing for opposing teams. A great time for a impromptu friendly bet on the winner. (The losers can do the dishes)

Givens also likes social games. In one, she makes everyone
anonymously fill out a card that lists things they want to achieve in
the new year. She then shuffles them and hands them back out, and people have to guess who wrote their card. But games should be optional on this low-key day.
Drinks for your party can be as simply as coffee, tea, juice, and water. For an adult party champagne and beer are optional and if you feel like sprucing up things a Champagne Mimosa with a strawberry can add pop. If you have a signature drink, or you make a mean Bloody Mary, now is the time to show off your bartending skills. 
Most important of all, though? Remember to enjoy yourself. “To be a good hostess you need to have a good time, too,” Givens
said. “Sometimes last-minute parties are the best parties. There’s no
time to really plan, so you just go with it.”
And heck, you might even get bragging rights.