Ducks in the ROSE BOWL = Football Toss at HOME
2012 NEW ADDITION to Our Collection |
Ringing in the New Year doesn't get any better than that! Well, unless your a Beaver Fan.
But fear not football fans of all teams; PartyWorks has got a New Inflatable so
Get Ready For Some Football!
Act fast and you might be able to book this for your Super Bowl Party.
Your guests will be able to test their accuracy with this Inflatable Football Game. By half-time everyone will be ready to give it a go. This interactive game of skill easily sets up in minutes and the top is covered so rain or shine football fanatics can show off their mad crazy Football skills. Our new Inflatable Interactive Game is appropriate for ages 6 and up. This is the perfect activity this month at a Super Bowl Party or any sport-themed event on your calendar and wild and crazy fans attending. There probably isn’t a kid -of any age who’s not drawn like a magnet to inflatables. There’s just something about these bouncy, colorful, billowy attractions that’s irresistible. As the inflatable industry matures, changes are occurring in the design, construction, and themes of these attractions. Football Fun incorporates the best of what Interactive Fun has to offer ~ Interaction, indoor/outdoor sturdy construction and FIANLLY...and I saved the best till last...
This attraction can be custom designed with
your schools team's colors!
Don't wait to long to order...this won't be on the shelves very often.
Dear Beaver Fans, we haven't forgotten you and we know your up next year for a Winning Season!